Steps to becoming a member of the Weak Signals RC Club.
Acquire an AMA membership.
Fill out a membership application and bring it with you to a club meeting.
Attend a club meeting and introduce yourself.
Membership will discuss and vote on your application.
Pay the initiation fee and yearly membership fee if members approve.
$50 initiation fee
$100 yearly membership fee
Family included in membership, ( AMA Memberships are required. )
Youth members are are FREE, ( AMA Memberships are required. )
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Meetings are held at the Club Field April through the September starting at 8pm.
Meetings are held at the American Legion Post (11601 Lewis Ave. Temperance, Mi. 48182) October through March at 7pm.
Meetings are listed on our calendar.
If you have any questions you may use our contact form or contact an officer listed in the in the Newsletters.
Online Membership Dues Payments
Select the appropriate payment button.
You should be taken to "" web page with the Weak Signals logo at the top of the page.. It should look like this..
Enter your name, payment information, and a note about the payment.
A receipt will be sent to the e-mail address entered and the payment will be sent to the club's bank account.
To pay your dues by check. send it payable to Toledo Weak Signals
Send it to the treasurer:
Bruce Tronolone
8707 Slate Ridge Court
Sylvania, OH 43560